Geosys IT Solutions PVT. LTD. is proud to be a “Total Software Solution Provider” in the arena of Information Technology. We are professionally managed Software DevelopmentTeam with a passion for innovation .The team, rich in experience, work in a serene, friendly ambience, highly motivated and committed professionals . To provide high quality, timely and cost effective software solution.Bundled with feature such as strengthen with an uncompromising sprit for a quality, lasting customer support and relationship, customer required projects with maximum utility within their budget in no time.
Now a day’s Internet has had an enormous impact on our lives by allowing quick access to information, expediting business transactions and providing communication from anywhere in the world.Even your children and parents are using email, instant messaging, on-line banking, Online Trading and bevy of other sites on a day-to-day basis. In essence, the Internet provides a trouble-free way to save time and add convenience to our lives, so why not provide these same benefits to your Lab information?This thought brings to our mind to develop Diagnizer-Cloud. Diagnizer-Cloud 1.0.0 – is an organized Medical Lab Billing Management Web /Mobile Application. This package is designed and fabricated in accordance with the survey and case studies conducted by our professionals in various Labs along with our 12+year experience. The software is highly efficient, compactly packed, which takes care of the minutest details for the organized and systematic management of your Lab. This specially designed and professionally crafted application helps you to keep your Labs organized, systematic and simple at your finger tip.
The beauty of a true web application is its architectural simplicity. To run any true web application, all you need is a PC with a web browser Internet (or corporate intranet) access. There is absolutely no software installed on your PC, so you don’t have to worry about the software’s configuration, computer’s disk space, memory, and, most importantly, conflicts with other software Within the modern healthcare landscape, clinical laboratories are challenged to reduce cost, increase efficiency, and optimize communications to enable the healthcare organizations they serve to provide seamless care to patients. You need web systems with easy interfaces and simplifying process for receiving orders, sharing results, and billing.Meanwhile, high quality medical website design is essential for a modern online presence that allows you to expand your client base.
In this COVID -19 situation, all Agencies are challenged to reduce cost, increase efficiency, and optimize communications to enable the service organizations they serve to provide seamless care to customers. You need web systems with easy interfaces and simplifying process for receiving orders, sharing info, and billing. Meanwhile, high quality web support is essential for a modern online presence that allows you to expand your client base.
It manage your laboratory and mobile data, and maintain with regulations and standards.
Our flexible warehouse billing solution streamlines billing data across all of your facilities.
Transfer to a collected total amounts and reports ara viewed.
The average outstanding balance refers to any term, instalment, revolving or credit card debt .
The procedure of registering a patient into the files of a medical institution.
Documentation collected from the patient and further sources on the pathogenesis of the illness.
Report Manager provides an upload feature so that you can add reports, models, and other files.
Mobile applications frequently serve to provide users with similar services to those accessed on mobile.